Jaw-dropping Dance Steps! For Sure You Will Love These Talented Irish Girls!02:49

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Tap dance is a beautiful form of dance that started several years ago and was popularized by two major styles of tap dances: the rhythm or jazz tap and the Broadway tap. This dance uses the sounds of tap shoes as they strike on the floor to create a percussion hence creating a rhythm. Tap dance performers consider their talent as part of the jazz tradition and is widely performed in musical theaters and other shows.

Though tap dance is usually performed by middle-aged people, these beautiful young girls show their interest in tap dance. They look just like a normalĀ girl dance group who would just sway and wave hands along with a regular music. These Irish girls have a special talent that is far from a normal dance group. Watch these girls tap their way to fame and you will be entertained by how well and synchronized their moves are! Get ready to clap your hands, and well, tap your feet!

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