This video features the story of a young boy named Owen, a.k.a Little B and his best friend Haatchi. Both of them are very special to each other. 9 Years old Owen suffers from a rare genetic disorder called Schwartz-Jampel; it causes his muscles to tense permanently, confining him to a wheelchair and impairing his eyesight. And Haatchi too is different than rest of the dogs; he lost one of his legs when he was just a little pup. Someone had tied him to a railroad line in North London and was hit by an oncoming train.
Owen’s mother Collen is a dog trainer and she fell in love with Haatchi as soon as she saw him on the internet. He was up for adoption and Collen decided to adopt him for Owen. She thought Haatchi will make Owen happy and she was totally right. Wait till you watch their friendship in the video.
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