He Dedicated This Song For His Departed Best Friend And Left Everyone In Tears… Including Simon!08:28

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Losing someone you love is a greatest sorrow in life. Josh Daniel, the last participant of the first week auditions for The X Factor UK 2015 had also lost his best friend 2 years ago. He was devastated by this fact and wanted to dedicate a song for his departed best friend during his audition. But when he started to sing, no one could hold their tears.

When this 21 year old mechanic, Josh came onstage, everyone thought it was a normal audition. Josh decided to sing “Jealous” for his audition and even dedicated this song for his departed best friend. However, the way he performed this song left the entire hall in tears. None of the judges could hold back their tears – including Simon Cowell. Simon was so touched by the song that he couldn’t even speak a word.

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