Even though birds are adorable creatures to keep as pets, the most challenging part of owning one is the continuous task of cleaning up. Except for the natural messes, birds tend to fly around the house making even more messes. Take this little love bird in the video below for example. I’m sure her owner is having a really hard time cleaning up after her!
This love bird seems to hate having a short tail. She wants a long and beautiful tail which is able to help her make longer and higher flights. However, to fix her short tail, she decides to shred dad’s paper and attach it to her back. This bird’s behavior may look funny, but according to a former breeder, this is actually a nesting habit. This bird is not having a problem with her flights but in reality, is trying to carry materials to her nests.
What do you think about this behavior of the bird? Drop your comments in the comments section below!